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Cleanse Time Again

Jan 6, 2017 | 7:47 AM

Cleansing and detoxification:  why should we do it? 

Cleansing is the process of eliminating toxins from the body.  We live with toxic build up every day, in our water, the air we breathe, even in the food we eat.  There are two main toxins: exotoxins come from an outside source which we inhale and ingest.  Endotoxins are created internally by the food we eat.  Undigested food can putrefy, creating toxins that damage cells, tissues and organs in the body.

There are seven channels of elimination: the liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood, skin and lymphatic system.  If these systems aren’t working properly we tend to get minor irritations.  If these aren’t looked after they can become major problems.  Using a cleanse to stimulate these seven channels can help the body rid itself of toxins, free radicals and pollutants.

CleanseSmart is a two-part system.  The first part is an organ detox formula.  Certain herbs are used to stimulate the organs of the body, helping its own mechanism which is already trying to detox itself.  Herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric and artichoke stimulate the liver’s production of bile.  Cape aloe, rhubarb and trihola help stimulate peristoliscs (construction of the colon).  This aids in the process of elimination.  Corn silk acts as a diuretic increasing the volume of urine to help flush the kidneys.

Part two of this cleanse helps the colon in elimination without using harsh laxatives, which can weaken the colon over time.  Magnesium hydroxide is used to draw water into the colon helping to give the colon its natural action of pushing out toxic material.

There are two supporting factors in using a cleanse.  One is fibre.  FibreSmart is a flax based formula.  It is 50% soluble and 50% insoluble.  This ratio will not dehydrate the colon and cause constipation.  As the fibre passes through the digestive tract it gathers toxins, bringing them to the colon for elimination. 

The other supporting factor of this cleanse is oil.  This helps to lubricate the colon for easier passage of elimination.

The cleansing system of CleanseSmart, FibreSmart and OilSmart from Renew Life is an important step in helping to regain and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  This cleanse is a thirty-day program and should be done two or three times a year.  FibreSmart and OilSmart can be taken throughout the year as a maintenance program.

Always check with your health care professional before starting any supplement program.